Jan Enger | Prodive Cairns Liveaboard Diving Review
Jan & Silvio headed out with Prodive Cairns 3 Day 2 Night Liveaboard, after the weather delayed their trip by a day they reported that they had a great time on the Cairns outer reefs.
Looking at their photos it looks like they had an awesome time onboard ScubaPro.
Thanks guys and I hope we can see you both again on the Great Barrier Reef soon.
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Spend over $550.00 AUD on your Great Barrier Reef tour with us and receive the latest Digital Underwater Camera Hire. Take amazing High-Resolution images and 1080 HD Video. Only when you book online thru our website.
Not available for any tours to the Islands as fine white sand damages the seals on the cameras and makes them leak!
You need to come into our shop located on the Cairns Esplanade the day before departure to pick up the camera before 5:30 pm. You also need to supply your own SD Camera Card and drop the camera off back at our shop before 5:30pm.
Please Remember there is no other way to collect our cameras! All passengers must come into our shop the day before departure day before 5:30 pm.
Hi Arwen & Richard!
Thanks so much for organizing our diving trip! This was my third and Silvio’s second time up here! And as always, diving at the GBR is a breathtaking and unforgettable experience – not much more to say!
But, you guys made us feel like VIPs! The free camera hire made Silvio’s trip a gem! He now can show all his friends back in Germany what he has seen and can add a few pics to his web blog (http://2012downunder2013.wordpress.com/ – update in progress!).
Arwen, thanks so much for keeping us up to date with the weather and for all the effort to make our trip another great GBR- experience & Richard, you are a champ! Meeting us in the hotel to pick up the camera and even buying a memory stick to transfer the data from my own camera was far beyond the expected!
Take care guys & see you next time!
Jan & Silvio